Michael Hume
"Reform" Already Creating Cancer Treatment Scarcity
The whole idea behind state-run socialized medicine is to form sure nobody gets anything that somebody else doesn't get. (Indeed, that is the goal of the progressive movement toward collectivism generally .) That's a change for Americans. Thirty years ago, maybe your grandpa lived a extended life with more vitality because he could afford the simplest cancer treatment available; meanwhile, mine couldn't, and he didn't. I remember many folks within the late "baby boomer" generation watching cancer ravage our folks and thinking it couldn't happen to us - because great new cures and smart new doctors were arriving on the scene a day .
Eventually, free market capitalism, with all its inequities and "unfairness," would produce a medical system that improves quality and lowers cost-of-treatment for maladies like cancer. Sure, there'd still be rich grandpas and poor grandpas, but from top-to-bottom, the cancer treatments available to all or any grandpas would be better. a better percentage of grandpas would be ready to get excellent treatment previously reserved just for the rich ones.
Why? due to the profit motive. If the brilliant young aspiring pharmaceutical researcher (or doctor) might get rich doing it, she's getting to exerting to make subsequent great cure for cancer.
But progressive politicians have found out that they will cause you to mad about the entire rich-and-poor thing. you are not poor because you didn't exerting or have an excellent entrepreneurial idea; no, you're poor because the person is keeping you down. So their solution, that (unfortunately) they have been ready to gather some support from a vocal minority, is to require the medical system into the government's hands, where it are often monitored and purged of inequities. In other words, all grandpas will have access to precisely an equivalent cancer treatments.
But it'll be the one my poor grandpa got... not the one that saved your rich grandpa's life.
Why? Because fewer bright children are getting to aspire to seek out subsequent cancer cure. Doctoring and researching are diligence , requiring long hours and much of self-sacrifice if they're to supply excellent outcomes. Many well-intended progressives means that folks become doctors because they're altruistic to start with, and that is true... but to remain with it long enough to make subsequent great solution to problems as thorny as cancer, the best-and-brightest need more motivation than to be locked into a career of diligence as a government employee who can never break through the ceiling of a GS-whatever making but six figures a year.
Better to show that sharp brain toward designing subsequent great computer game instead. you'll still get rich doing that (though, eventually, progressives would really like to vary that, too).
Smart industry observers are worrying about looming shortages of doctors and cures ever since the start of the "health care reform" debate in every western nation. But last month's edition of "Cancer" magazine reports the shortages are real, and they are already upon us.
A report within the journal says a shortage of cancer doctors, also as rising costs of everything from x-rays to radiation and chemotherapies (you didn't really think costs would go "down" when the market began to anticipate the government's control, did you?) are making quality cancer care increasingly hard to deliver. By 2020, when many of the late baby-boomers are going to be within the middle of the scary cancer years in America, "Cancer" reports the shortage of cancer-treating oncologists are going to be between 2,350 and 3,800, which translates to somewhere between 9.5 and 11 million FEWER office visits.
People will still get cancer, though. And unless the "reform" is somehow reversed, the brighter future wherein more patients can get the rich-grandpa treatment for his or her cancer are going to be set back a minimum of a generation. and that is just tons of bad, scary news for those folks who'll be therein government-medicine "window" - within the wrong place, at the incorrect time.
I'm sure today's bright young doctors (and the wise older ones) will do their best, and if cancer treatment gets generally worse, it won't be their fault. We poor grandpas can blame it on the ashen-grey hand of public administration, rationing care and deepening the very medical problems it purports to unravel . But it won't do us any good... we'll be even as dead, even as soon.
Gloomy? Sure. But the new generation of rich grandpas are going to be those who take personal responsibility for his or her vitality now, before they become most susceptible to cancer (and other tough ailments). The new rich grandpas are going to be those with health, even quite those who've amassed wealth. you cannot personally keep the govt from screwing up the medical system, but you'll do tons to stay yourself out of it.
The old expression "an ounce of prevention is best than a pound of cure" remains in effect, but the numbers got to be inflation-adjusted: "Better pile on pounds of prevention, because by the time you would like it, you will not be ready to find even an oz of cure... at any price."
by Michael D. Hume, M.S.